
23rd Annual Veteran's Memorial Euchre Tournament

11:00 am - 6:00 pm

The Enchanted Mountain Lodge #252, Free Masons, and the Hamilton Court #2, Order of the Amaranth present the 23rd annual Veteran’s Memorial Euchre Tournament, set to take place Saturday, March 29, at the Allegany American Legion.  Registration begins at 11:00, with play starting at noon.  A $20 donation will be accepted at the door.  The event also includes a 50/50 draw and a basket auction.  Refreshments and door prizes will be provided.  If you would like to donate a door prize, or a food item, call  Bruce Kenney, at (716)560-5883, or Erik Johnson, at (716) 560-4460.  You can call Bruce Kenney to reserve a space at the tournament.  Proceeds will benefit local Veterans programs and other charities.

Allegany American Legion Post 892, 4350 NYS Route 417, Allegany, NY 14706



JCC Cattaraugus County Campus Open House

10:00 am - 12:00 pm

The Cattaraugus County Campus of Jamestown Community College will hold an Open House for prospective students and their families on Saturday, March 29, from 10-noon.  The Open House provides students the chance to explore academic programs, meet faculty and staff, and learn about financial aid, admissions and student life.  Registration for the open house is encouraged…call (716) 338-1011, or register online at:  sunyjcc.edu/OpenHouse.

Jamestown Community College, 260 North Union Street, Olean, NY 14760



JCC Free Showing of the Film 'If'

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

The Cattaraugus County Campus of Jamestown Community College presents a free showing of the Children’s Movie ‘If’.  The movie will be shown Saturday, March 29th, 2:00pm, at the CUTCO Theater on the JCC Campus.  Visit www.sunyjcc.edu/event/familymovie to find a link to reserve free tickets.  Popcorn and Water will be provided at no cost, and treats from the new Hatch Cafe will be available for purchase.

Jamestown Community College, Cattaraugus County Campus, 260 North Union Street, Olean, NY 14760



Town of Olean Fire Department Ham and Turkey Party

7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

The Town of Olean Volunteer Fire Department will hold their annual Spring Ham and Turkey Party on Saturday, April 5, beginning at 7:00 at the Fire Hall.  Refreshments will be available…Meat products will be raffled off.

Town of Olean Fire Department, 1297 Old Rock City Road, Olean, NY 14760

4 - 5


Wellsville Secondary School Performance of "Legally Blond-The Musical"

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Wellsville Secondary School presents “Legally Blond:  The Musical” for three performances…shows take place Friday and Saturday, April 4-5, at 7:00pm, and Sunday, April 6 matinee, at 2:00pm, at the Wellsville Secondary School Auditorium.  Tickets are $10 per person, and $5 for Students and Senior Citizens.  Tickets can be purchased at the door…at Brand Name Appliance, or the Wellsville Secondary School Main Office.

Wellsville Secondary School, 126 West State Street, Wellsville, NY 14895



Cattaraugus County Sheriff's Department Hunter Safety Course

8:00 am - 6:00 pm

The Cattaraugus County Sheriff’s Office will conduct a Hunter Safety Education Class for the gun portion only on Saturday, April 5, from 8am-6pm, at the Randolph Rod and Gun Club, on VanSlyke Road.

There is no charge for the class…participants must attend this one day of instruction in order to receive a certificate.  Participants should be at least 12 years old.  If a parent wants an 11 year-old to take the class, the parent must attend and sit with the child on that day.  Class size is limited to 35 students…those attending must bring some sort of ID…they also need to bring a pen or pencil, snacks, lunch and something to drink.

Pre-registration is requires…register at: www.register-ed.com.  If you have any questions, contact the Cattaraugus County Sheriff’s Office at (716)938-9191, or the State DEC Office, at (716)372-0645.  Homework must be completed prior to the start of class.  The course material is available on the Department of Environmental website:  www.dec.ny.gov


Randolph Rod and Gun Club, 4424 VanSlyke Road, Randolph, NY 14772